Pre-Order you Favorite Protein Puddings

Smart Nutrition Tampa Fl

Pick up Orders 

[SPECIAL-OFFER $2 dollar Off]

Pick up Orders
Text your order to +1 (941) 592- 0554 with your name, and pick up time and we will have it ready for you!

About Us

We are here to make eating healthy easy and fun! We know the struggle of trying to make healthier choices when you are super busy, so our goal is to provide you with smoothies, frappés, waffles or smoothie bowls that were designed to be a fast breakfast, lunch or dinner. Those items contain high quality protein, 21 vitamins and minerals, and are also a good source of fiber!

And If you are a caffeine lover try pairing one of the items above with our tea bombs! Our teas contain a blend of black, orange pekoe and green tea to boost your metabolism, an energy booster to support mental alertness and aloe for healthy digestion, and nutrient absorption. 

We also have online challenges where you get access to nutritional coaching, meal plans, workout tips and accountability for anyone who desires to get help achieving their health and fitness goals! 

Smart Protein Waffle 

Chocolate 🍫 or blueberry ?
Both taste amazing and are only 200 calories loaded with protein and all the nutrients your body needs

Our Expertise Coach's

We Are Awesome At Our Work

 Our Address

5522 hanley rd tampa fl 33634


+1 (941)592-0554


Weight Loss Coach Express

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